Mentoring - Spring 2021 - The Plan


During the Spring 2021 semester of Mentoring with Dr. Cody, we covered the plan of God for every believer, the different stages and phases of the plan, and reasons why people fall short in fully walking out that plan. God has a plan for every believer’s life, but it is our job to discover that plan and walk it out accurately! No call is greater than another, but every call has God’s grace, blessing, and provision upon it. This is a rich teaching that will help any believer discover that special thing God has for them and run their race to completion!

Through the teaching of the Word, the Q&A, and the assistance of the Holy Spirit, we know you will be blessed, strengthened, and encouraged by these rich sessions!

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During the Spring 2021 semester of Mentoring with Dr. Cody, we covered the plan of God for every believer, the different stages and phases of the plan, and reasons why people fall short in fully walking out that plan. God has a plan for every believer’s life, but it is our job to discover that plan and walk it out accurately! No call is greater than another, but every call has God’s grace, blessing, and provision upon it. This is a rich teaching that will help any believer discover that special thing God has for them and run their race to completion!

Through the teaching of the Word, the Q&A, and the assistance of the Holy Spirit, we know you will be blessed, strengthened, and encouraged by these rich sessions!

During the Spring 2021 semester of Mentoring with Dr. Cody, we covered the plan of God for every believer, the different stages and phases of the plan, and reasons why people fall short in fully walking out that plan. God has a plan for every believer’s life, but it is our job to discover that plan and walk it out accurately! No call is greater than another, but every call has God’s grace, blessing, and provision upon it. This is a rich teaching that will help any believer discover that special thing God has for them and run their race to completion!

Through the teaching of the Word, the Q&A, and the assistance of the Holy Spirit, we know you will be blessed, strengthened, and encouraged by these rich sessions!